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e46 touring press photos
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Meets 02.08.2012
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E46 Sedan

The E46 is the successor to the E36 and is the next evolution in the 3 series development. The E46/4 Sedan was introduced in 1998.

The E46 3 series vehicle offers more comfort, safety, space and equipment than the previous E36, without compromising the sporty characteristics of the 3 series vehicle.

Body Shell. The structural rigidity of the E46 body shell was increased using computer aided design (CAD) techniques. Every component of the new body structure was designed using this method. CAD allows the design to be translated into computer aided manufacturing (CAM) more efficiently. To reduce the weight of the vehicle, while retaining strength, high strength steels are used and now amount to 50% of the body shell weight.

The E46 continues with BMW’s safety cage concept for passenger protection. The tubular impact structures continue to provide protection against body damage during front or rear impacts. The E46 is 1.8 times more able to absorb energy in a 40mph offset frontal crash than the E36.

The E46 follows the E38/E39 design with the kidney grille being integrated into the hood. The grille openings are more rounded and sweep down to the front bumper. The cowl opening is now integrated in the hood and is similar to the E38. The hood can be opened to a maximum of 90°, the workshop position, by disconnecting the gas struts and inserting a pin in the aligned holes.

The E46 carries on with the traditional four head lamp configuration, however, no internal lens is used over each lamp. The free-form reflectors are clearly visible through the smooth, plastic covers. The plastic covers are lighter in weight and more resistant to breakage than the previous glass covers.

· Publicēju marchello January 02 2012
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